Today's client needed some Shed Pad Leveling conducted in preparation to having the cement slab laid. The hard fill had already been dropped off, so the task was by all means a standard and fairly quick job to complete using my skills as a Bobcat Operator only.
However, after a bit of a survey of the surrounding area outside of the shed, I noticed the surface was fairly uneven and that the recent rain had collected in puddles. If there was to be any more rain ahead between getting the shed pad levelled and the cement slab laid, that water was going to find its way back in and disrupt my nice even surface. This was only going to cost the client more money in the future, so I definitely aim to help avoid these situations.
After speaking with the client and pointing out that yes it would add additional time to the job, but as a pro, the shed pad would stay perfect until the cement arrived. We concluded that the whole yard would eventually need to be levelled anyway as it was his place of business and no one wants their work yard constantly becoming a pool every time the Adelaide skies decide to open up.
He was actually very happy with this suggestion and saw the value of having this sorted out now while I was there instead of having to rehire again down the track.
So after a few hours, the shed pad had been prepped and complete and his yard was now levelled with a slight fall off that lead down the entry and into the gutter, so no more puddles anywhere.
If you've got a site that is uneven and constantly holds water, I can certainly fix that for you. Feel free to give me a call on 0407 155 302 for a chat and I'll give you the best advice I have.