Barossa Valley Bobcat Hire

Graded Horse Arena (Ward Belt SA 5118)

Using the Bobcat, I’ve transformed this patch of earth into a nicely graded and level horse arena. There was certainly a bit of preparation needed that involved leveling the area and removing hidden rocks and rubble. The owners had already arranged for the sand delivery, which I then commenced spreading over the top layer. You can see the different layers in the pictures.

Bobcat Services Adelaide Arena Leveling

Site Leveling For A New Horse Arena (Ward Belt SA 5118)

Out at Ward Belt near Gawler today, leveling out a new horse arena for Alba View Equestrian Horse Riding School. It’s important to ensure the area is prepared expertly to an even level and that rocks and rubble are removed before layering the top layer of sand. You can see from picture that the arena looks great and is now ready to get some kids and horses in there. Giddey Up!